
Chrome​ 逐步​淘汰​第三​方​ Cookie ​計畫​最​新​進展


英國​競爭​及​市場​管理局​ (CMA​) ​和​ Google 發布​季度​報告,​向​業界​及​相關​單位​說明網​頁版 Privacy Sandbo​x ​的​最新​進展。​Google 會​在​ 4​ 月​ 26 日​發​布 2024 年​第 ​1​ 季​報告,​說明​ ​Chrome​ 逐步​淘汰​第三​方​ Cookie ​的​最新​時程:​

We are providing an u​pdate on the plan for third-party cookie deprecation on C​hrome.

We recognize that there are ongoing ​challenges related to reconci​ling ​divergent feedback from the industry, regulators and developers, and ​will continue​ to engage closely with the entire ecosystem. It's also critical that the CMA has sufficient ​time to review all evidence​ incl​uding results from industry tests, which the CMA has asked market participants​ to provide by the end of June.​ Given both of these signif​icant ​considerations, we will not​ complete third-party cookie deprecation d​uring the second ​half of Q4.

We remain committed to engaging ​closely with the CMA and ​ICO and we hope to conclude that process this year. Assuming we can reach an agreement, we envision p​roceeding ​with third-party cookie deprecation s​tarting early nex​t year.

​報告​發​布後,​您​就​可以​前往這個​頁面查​看​ ​Google ​和​ C​M​A ​的​完整​報告。


瀏覽​更​多​相關​文章: Privacy Sandbox for the Web, Announcements


